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frame vs. field 

Module 4




Character (happy02).jpg
Character 1.png
M4 - Raissa City (page).JPG
M4 - Raissa City (page 2).JPG

I interpreted the world as a whole world as one except there is a happy and unhappy world. The two key sentences that I chose to base my scene off are “you wake from one bad dream and another begins” and “the unhappy city contains a happy city unaware of its own existence.” From these sentences, I interpreted 2 completely different environments. The first city is a city where people go around and around in cities as if it’s never-ending waking from the bad dream and another begins. This environment is also deconstructed and things are falling apart. In my second environment, the people are illustrated as being really happy as they are unaware of the unhappy city they’re in which is why they’re located in the middle of the city. Their environment appears to be untouched however the roof is lower which symbolizes the freedom and happiness slowing being taken away. The notations I have used to show this include the direction. The lower layer people’s direction and view are heading downwards as they are unhappy and always looking down in comparison undeconstructed world above, they’re looking upwards, showing that they’re unaware what’s happening below. The atmosphere and time between the 2 are really different and in perspective. There are also 2 different times the one in the dream and in reality, their time is always in a wavy line to illustrate that time is slowly making the city unhappy.

The text that I was given to interpret

Original submission


The two perspectives didn't have enough light and shadow in them so I wanted to add more depth into them. With the Isometric drawing, I need to make the line weight for the Vaults bolder, a harder line weight, as it is hard to see. 


Changes to the original submission


I've attempted to add more shadow and light into the two perspectives. With the line weights in the Isometric drawing, I have also changed the line weight from 0.15 to 0.4 It makes it more visible now, yet it doesn't overpower the darker areas. 


Overall, I thought this module I was able to combine the skills I learned from Module 1, Module 2, and Module 3 this includes how to use Rhino, Illustrator and Photoshop. I enjoyed using Rhino a lot more in this module in comparison to Module 3 as I think it allowed a lot more space for creativity and imagination. I think that doing Module 3 before Module 4 made me enjoy using rhino a lot more and have a better understanding of the program. The use of notations was also really helpful. Notations helped me communicate to the audience what I was trying to do in my isometric and it allowed me to express how the characters in the world are experiencing and feeling. It also allowed me to expand my imagination with a given text and trying to interpret a story (world) from it. Overall from all these modules, I need to work on my photoshop skills and how to emphasize on lighting and how to make the scene more dramatic and communicate what I was originally planning on expressing. 

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